• March 8, 2024

Disability Management and Compliance Section Show-Me Event

Disability Management and Compliance Section Show-Me Event

Disability Management and Compliance Section Show-Me Event 1024 682 Ron Fisher

On Tuesday, February 27, 2024, the County of Los Angeles Fire Department (LACoFD) Disability Management and Compliance (DMC) Section hosted a highly-informative stakeholders meeting event entitled “Show-Me” at Fire Station 64 in the City of San Dimas.

The DMC “Show-Me” meeting shed light on the daily tasks performed by LACoFD firefighters while summarizing the hazards and demands firefighters face daily.  Not only did the meeting highlight these vital aspects of the Department, but it also served as an opportunity for LACoFD personnel and meeting stakeholders to forge collaborative alliances and partnerships.

This event, generously sponsored by F&A Credit Union, drew an impressive turnout of over 140 guests.  Attendees included the LACoFD DMC staff, Lifeguard Division, Air and Wildland Division, Wellness Section Peer Support members, Local 1014, County Counsel, Chief Executive Office staff, Corvel, and Sedgwick (the County’s third-party administrator).  During the meeting, Sedgwick adjusters gained insight into the arduous nature of firefighting.

This experience also allowed the LACoFD to fit the adjusters with personal protective equipment and they witnessed hose lays, vehicle extrication, the operations of firefighting apparatus utilized in real-life emergency incidents.

LACoFD Battalion Chief Robert A. Gunther shared a presentation outlining the Department’s priorities.  Chief Gunther provided an overview of the Department’s general liability, worker’s compensation, risk management, and other important risk factors.  Furthermore, he expressed the goals of providing timely medical care, diagnostic testing, and reiterated the need for prompt and continuous communication with affected employees and stakeholders.

LACoFD extends its deepest gratitude to the DMC staff and the guests who attended this informative event.







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